Kid Friendly Classes

Don’t worry kids, we’ve got you covered! We have a mix of small-hands-on cooking classes on offer with family friendly community classes and kids-only school holiday classes.

Calling kids aged 6yrs+, come and cook with us!

Through-out the year we offer kid–friendly cooking classes geared towards small-hands-on cooking.

Kids are also welcome to cook with their favourite adult during Community Family Classes or they can leave their adults at the door and join us in our kids-only School Holiday classes!

Our school holiday classes offer hands-on kitchen fun where mini-cooks can prepare a kid-friendly menu. Kids will make, and eat, their own morning tea and lunch and take home any left overs and additional menu items to share with loved ones. 

Can’t afford the entry fee? That’s okay, Your Angel Charity sponsorship is available. To apply, click on the button below.

What’s cooking for kids?

2021 COVID kid-friendly classes coming soon… watch this space and thanks for your patience!

Our Keep Calm Recipe Kits are proving popular with local families, so why not give one a go? With portioned ingredients and easy to follow recipes kids can easily get cooking with the adults at home.

For notifications & updates on our kids classes and Keep Calm recipe kits, please subscribe to our newsletter.

High Tea Treats

with The Community Cooking School
Thursday 24th April
Kids! Stroll on in for a morning of hands-on cooking and creating High Tea and Cafe favouritesClick below for more.
per person

High Tea Treats

with The Community Cooking School
Wednesday23rd April
Kids! Stroll on in for a morning of hands-on cooking and creating High Tea and Cafe favouritesClick below for more.
per person

Hoppy Easter Fun

with The Community Cooking School
Thursday 17th April
Kids! Hop on in for a morning of hands-on cooking and creating Delicious FoodClick below for more.
per person

Hoppy Easter Fun

with The Community Cooking School
Wednesday 16th April
Kids! Hop on in for a morning of hands-on cooking and creating Delicious FoodClick below for more.
per person